Emergency Communications Center
Accreditation Program
Agency Information
Chief Executive Officer Information
Accreditation Manager Information
Accredited Status
Law Enforcement Agency Information
Dispatch Center Employees
Geographic Area of Responsibility
Indicate political subdivisions or municipalities where your agency provides law enforcement services. County, state, or regional agencies should indicate all political subdivisions that rely on the agency for law enforcement or communications services.
Emergency Communications Center
Document Management System
Required Document Uploads
Accreditation Fee Schedule
Upon approval of your agency's application by the ALEAP Commission, an invoice will be emailed to you for your application fee.
*The first Annual Continuation Fee is due on the anniversary date, which is one year following the date initial accreditation is granted and every year thereafter. Fees are subject to change.
Note: ALEAP policy states that agencies that withdraw during the accreditation process will not receive a refund of program fees.